Retailer Links are really important; Here’s Why

There are many key fea­tures we sug­gest adding to your list­ing to get it to stand out. How­ev­er, the most impor­tant one is prob­a­bly not what you’d expect. 

The orig­i­nal retail­er link packs a punch! While we mark it as an option­al detail to add while your list­ing, we high­ly rec­om­mend sell­ers to take advan­tage of it. Our data has proven that items with the retail­er link sell faster. Here’s why:

1. Verification of the Product’s Origin

Apt­De­co Page:

Retail­er Page:

Adding the retail­er link pro­vides view­ers with the exact source of the item. While you may have marked the item’s brand, buy­ers love to see the exact item their get­ting, straight from the source.

2. Confirmation of the Original Price

Apt­De­co Page:

Retail­er Page:

Buy­ers want to see the deal they’re get­ting. Link­ing out to the orig­i­nal source helps ver­i­fy the val­ue asso­ci­at­ed with the item and helps the cus­tomer under­stand how much they’d be sav­ing by pur­chas­ing sec­ond­hand from you!

3. Manufacturer Specifications

Apt­De­co Page:

Retail­er Page:

A link to the bor­ing (but impor­tant) stuff! The retail­er link pro­vides help­ful details that some buy­ers may want to know such as; man­u­fac­tur­er mate­ri­als, fab­ric spec­i­fi­ca­tions, spe­cif­ic dimen­sions, and item weight.

Bonus Tip

You can always copy the man­u­fac­tur­er’s descrip­tion and add it to your own item descrip­tion to pro­vide as much infor­ma­tion upfront as possible! 

4. Optimal Imagery and Stock Photos

Your Pho­tos:

Retail­er Photos:

While the pho­tos you pro­vide of your item are imper­a­tive since they show the cur­rent con­di­tion, the most opti­mal cat­a­log image is like­ly the stock images you see on the orig­i­nal retail­ers link. In addi­tion, retail­ers often add lifestyle images that help bring the item to life. After all, prospec­tive buy­ers want to imag­ine how the item will look in their own home—-sometimes it’s hard to do so if your image is styled a cer­tain way. Most retail­ers have a for­mu­la to their images; neu­tral, high qual­i­ty, and with min­i­mal back­grounds. Why? It’s eas­i­est to see the details of the item itself when you remove back­ground busyness!

Expe­dite a sale by adding the retail­er link today! 

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