The Best Websites to Sell Your Stuff

Aerial view of person using laptop

One of the quick­est ways to make some extra mon­ey is to sell unwant­ed items. You’ll want to choose a sell­ing plat­form that’s best for what you’re sell­ing. Luck­i­ly, we have a break­down of all the best web­sites to sell your stuff.

While spring is a great time to refresh your liv­ing space, there’s nev­er a wrong time to weed out items you no longer need. A great rule of thumb is to give your space a once-over every quar­ter. By using a crit­i­cal lens more often, you can keep your space free of extra clut­ter and assess what’s no longer work­ing before you’re com­plete­ly sick of it (and more like­ly to curb it).

The ques­tion then becomes, what to do with items that you’re ready to bid adieu? We always rec­om­mend­ing find­ing a way to sell or donate your items in effort to avoid land­fills. Plus, that extra cash can go towards your next prized pos­ses­sion. And luck­i­ly, resale is big­ger than ever, so you’ll find no short­age of rep­utable sites to sell through. Our picks for any­thing from cloth­ing to fur­ni­ture (hi) below!


colorful chairs on sidewalk, sunny day

Before you con­sid­er leav­ing your side table or night­stand on the street, con­sid­er sell­ing it! On top of the cash bonus, you’re help­ing extend the item’s life­cy­cle, which helps reduce C02 emis­sions and saves trees, among oth­er benefits.

Apt­De­co is the eas­i­est way to sell your fur­ni­ture. Unless you have some­thing that needs appraisal, this is your one-stop-shop to get your fur­ni­ture to a new home. Pick­up, deliv­ery & assem­bly are all han­dled by our white glove deliv­ery ser­vice so you can lit­er­al­ly sell your stuff with­out lift­ing a fin­ger. Most Items sell in 10 days or less, while brand name items tend to be scooped up in 2–3 days. 


Clothing on a white rack with purple background

Unless you’re new to buying/selling sec­ond­hand, you’re aware of the mas­sive cloth­ing resale mar­ket. If you’re over your favorite jack­et or have a pair of shoes you nev­er got around to wear­ing, some­one else might be ready to scoop them up. The best part about sell­ing cloth­ing online? The return. You can make 50–60% of retail back if you’re item’s in good con­di­tion, which is about 5x more than you’d get at a local resale store.

Our picks for sell­ing cloth­ing are DePop and Posh­mark. Depop spe­cial­izes in unique fash­ion picks, while Posh­mark has every­thing under the sun and a mas­sive sub­scriber base. 

Luxury Goods

Designer Gucci Bag Resale Online

One of the best things about invest­ing in lux­u­ry is that (for the most part) it hold’s its val­ue. That old Guc­ci bag you thought went out of style might be some­one’s dream piece. Web­sites like The­Re­al­Re­al (for cloth­ing) and Chairish (for the high­est end home goods) will appraise and authen­ti­cate your items, so you can get a fair return on your investment.

Hap­py Selling!

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