The 9 Best Vintage Furniture Stores in NYC

3 images of vintage furniture found in NYC

At Apt­De­co, we love a good vin­tage find, so we’re break­ing down the best vin­tage fur­ni­ture stores in NYC.

For vin­tage lovers, there are few things in life as sat­is­fy­ing as stum­bling upon the vin­tage piece of your dreams. The unbri­dled excite­ment, dis­be­lief that you found it, want­i­ng to scoop the item up imme­di­ate­ly so nobody else can snatch it—it’s all part of it. How­ev­er, vin­tage shop­ping is not for the faint of heart. If you want the goods, you’ll have to work for ’em. That means know­ing what you’re look­ing for, scop­ing out when to go, and of course, hav­ing an arse­nal of great vin­tage shops to peruse. 

Luck­i­ly, New York City has no short­age of incred­i­ble vin­tage fur­ni­ture shop­ping, with stores that accom­mo­date every style, price point and cat­e­go­ry. But with New York comes crowds, and a swarm of vin­tage pros who know exact­ly how to get what they want. To even the play­ing field, we’re arm­ing you with every­thing you need to have a suc­cess­ful NYC vin­tage fur­ni­ture shop­ping experience. 

1. Dobbin St. Co-Op

39 Norman Ave, Brooklyn, NY | 310 Graham Ave, Brooklyn, NY | Instagram

The low­down: Dob­bin St. Co-Op has become a Brook­lyn sta­ple in recent years. The stores are stocked with boho and mid-cen­tu­ry vin­tage fur­ni­ture, eclec­tic decor and afford­able art. The vibe of the store is wel­com­ing and relaxed, per­fect for a casu­al shop­ping expe­ri­ence. They also post their larg­er finds on Insta­gram, where you can pur­chase direct­ly via DM. Bonus: there’s a small selec­tion of unique vin­tage cloth­ing avail­able in store.

While you’re there, head next door to Feng Sway for some funky home goods and unique plants. (Nor­man Ave location)

Price: $$—Over­all very afford­able, espe­cial­ly com­pared to some of the more spe­cial­ized vin­tage stores. Exam­ple pric­ing: $250 for an armchair.

Best time to go: Fri­days. They typ­i­cal­ly restock before the week­end, so you can expect the best selec­tion then.

Rec­om­mend­ed for: Vin­tage new­bies, casu­al shop­pers, trendy decor lovers

2. Home Union

319 Graham Ave, Brooklyn, NY | Online

The low­down: Home Union is locat­ed right down the block from Dob­bins Street’s East Williams­burg loca­tion. They focus on fur­ni­ture and large decor pieces from the 20th-cen­tu­ry, which are usu­al­ly in pris­tine con­di­tion. In addi­tion, you can find new house­wares like can­dles and mugs, from design­ers they love. Home Union also has their own line of rugs and house­wares avail­able for purchase.

Price: $$$—Great con­di­tion comes with a price. You’ll def­i­nite­ly be spend­ing more, but at the same time you’ll score some unique one-of-a-kind pieces. Exam­ple pric­ing: $2,000 for a din­ing table

Best time to go: Week­days are when you can find the best selec­tion with the small­est crowd.

Rec­om­mend­ed for: Vin­tage col­lec­tors, fur­ni­ture afi­ciona­dos, shop­pers look­ing for that one spe­cial piece, high-bud­get ballers

3. AptDeco

Online Only

The low­down: Shop for vin­tage gems local­ly and across the Unit­ed States, all from the com­fort of your home. Hot tip: some of the biggest vin­tage sell­ers in the Tri-State area also sell on Apt­De­co, mak­ing it a one-stop shop for all your favorite vin­tage stores. Apt­De­co also deliv­ers for a small fee, mean­ing you don’t have to lug your new bestie all the way from the store.

Some of our favorite Apt­De­co vin­tage sell­ers include Asbury Vin­tage, All Kin­da Fur­ni­ture and Sec­ond­hand Sto­ries. Fil­ter by brand and select ‘vintage/antique’ to find the holy grail.

Price: $$—There’s some­thing in every price range, from one-off used fur­ni­ture pieces to din­ing and bed­room sets in pris­tine con­di­tion. Search­ing for a deal? Choose your price range, then fil­ter by ship­ping options and select “free ship­ping” and “50% off ship­ping” to save even more. Exam­ple pric­ing: $300 for a vin­tage armoire.

Rec­om­mend­ed for: Vin­tage lovers, brand-name buy­ers, deal seekers

4. Furnish Green

132 1/2 W 24th St, New York, NY | 167 Humboldt St., East Rutherford, NJ | Online

The low­down: Fur­nish Green is a long-stand­ing vin­tage clas­sic in NYC. They have a steady stream of good qual­i­ty, well-priced fur­ni­ture that is often restored by their own team. While their selec­tion may not be as curat­ed to meet a spe­cif­ic aes­thet­ic as oth­er store’s selec­tions are, you do get to choose from a vari­ety of styles and can be sure you’re com­ing home with a good qual­i­ty piece.

Price: $$—High-qual­i­ty fur­ni­ture at appro­pri­ate prices; a rar­i­ty in NYC! Fur­nish Green’s phi­los­o­phy is to keep prices low while still sus­tain­ing their small busi­ness. Exam­ple pric­ing: $600 for a vel­vet sofa.

Best time to go: They bring in a truck­load of new inven­to­ry every week­day, so there’s always a wide selec­tion available. 

Rec­om­mend­ed for: Deal seek­ers, clas­sic-decor lovers, high-qual­i­ty fanatics

5. Otto’s Vintage

5181 Nassau Ave, Brooklyn, NY

The low­down: Otto’s Vin­tage is an adorable shop where you can find a lit­tle bit of every­thing. When you step inside, it feels like you’ve stepped into your grand­ma’s house, but in a chic, cozy way. They’re less wor­ried about aes­thet­ic and tend to offer a broad selec­tion of trea­sures that cater to peo­ple look­ing for unique trea­sures. Bonus: they have an impres­sive selec­tion of afford­able vinyl records for sale, too.

Price: $-$$—Pric­ing varies depend­ing on the item but tends to be on the very afford­able side. Exam­ple pric­ing: $150 for a bench.

Best time to go: Since they’re closed on Mon­days that’s when they restock, so Tues­days and Wednes­days are your best bet. 

Rec­om­mend­ed for: Casu­al shop­pers, vin­tage afi­ciona­dos, deal seek­ers, upcyclers 

6. Copper+Plaid

655 Manhattan Ave., Greenpoint, Brooklyn

The low­down: Cop­per + Plaid is self-described as “a dope Green­point, Brook­lyn mid-cen­tu­ry and Dan­ish mod­ern fur­ni­ture store.” And that they are. They spe­cial­ize in beau­ti­ful mid-cen­tu­ry wood­en stor­age pieces that are always in ide­al con­di­tion. You can also find decor and oth­er unique fur­ni­ture in store. Bonus: They’re one-woman owned and oper­at­ed and they’ll deliv­er any­where in Brook­lyn for $15.

Price: $$-$$$—Did we men­tion beau­ti­ful and high qual­i­ty? You get what you pay for. Exam­ple pric­ing: $2,000 for a desk wall unit set, or $80 for small mirror.

Best time to go: They’re only avail­able by appoint­ment dur­ing the week, so unless you’re look­ing for some­thing spe­cif­ic try pop­ping in on the weekend.

Rec­om­mend­ed for: Fur­ni­ture-set shop­pers, high-qual­i­ty fanat­ics, vin­tage afi­ciona­dos, high-bud­get ballers

7. Humble House

396 Atlantic Ave, Brooklyn, NY | Instagram

The low­down: Hum­ble House sources trendy and unique vin­tage fur­ni­ture that caters to every style. You can always expect good qual­i­ty finds and pieces that will ele­vate any room. They also have a selec­tion of mid-range art pieces available.

Price: $$$$—Pricey, but worth it. The selec­tion is high­ly curat­ed and the pieces are top notch. Exam­ple pric­ing: elab­o­rate floor mir­ror (aka the one shown below): $2400.

Best time to go: They’re closed Mon­days for restock­ing, so Tues­day is when you’ll find the most fresh finds. The week­ends are when items typ­i­cal­ly get snatched up, so any week­day would also be ideal.

Rec­om­mend­ed for: Vin­tage afi­ciona­dos, high-qual­i­ty fanat­ics, brand-name buy­ers, high-bud­get ballers

8. Cure Thrift

91 3rd Ave, New York, NY

The low­down: Anoth­er Man­hat­tan clas­sic, Cure Thrift has been on the scene since 2008. They don’t nec­es­sar­i­ly spe­cial­ize in fur­ni­ture, but you can find some incred­i­ble vin­tage fur­ni­ture on any giv­en day. Plus, all pro­ceeds from Cure Thrift go to type 1 dia­betes research and advo­ca­cy, so you’re lit­er­al­ly shop­ping for a cause. 

Price: $$-$$$—For fur­ni­ture, prices range depend­ing on brand and qual­i­ty. Exam­ple pric­ing: $250 for a cof­fee table or $1200 for a vel­vet couch.

Best time to go: They typ­i­cal­ly restock on Mon­days and Tues­days, so Wednes­day through Fri­day is a safe bet.

Rec­om­mend­ed for: Vin­tage afi­ciona­dos, casu­al shop­pers, brand-name buy­ers, true thrifters

9. Junk

567 Driggs Ave., Brooklyn, NY

The low­down: This place has every­thing, and we mean every­thing. Depend­ing on who you are, Junk is either your dream sce­nario or your worst night­mare. The ware­house-style store is filled to the brim with odds and ends, from but­tons and old post­cards to chairs and unique art. It’s easy to lose a day here search­ing for trea­sures, and if you’re patient enough you won’t come up empty-handed. 

Price: $—If you find some­thing good you’ll get an absolute deal. Exam­ple pric­ing: $30 for a piece of art or $20 for a chair in need of some love.

Best time to go: Any­time is a good time to go. Low inven­to­ry is not an issue for this place. 

Rec­om­mend­ed for: Upcy­clers, art lovers, casu­al shop­pers, true thrifters, deal seek­ers, and in gen­er­al, we rec­om­mend every­one stop­ping into this mar­vel of a store.

Honorable Mentions

There are so many fan­tas­tic vin­tage stores in the area, that we could­n’t just pick a few. These hon­or­able men­tions are equal­ly worth their weight in gold vintage.

  • Dream Fish­ing Tackle
  • Angu­lar Vintage 
  • Pal­la­di­um Brooklyn
  • Good Behav­ior
  • Tri State Modern
  • Horse­man Antiques
  • Par­adise Suites
  • Dutch Oven Finds
  • Swan House (Tar­ry­town)
  • Adap­ta­tions NY

There you have it; your com­pre­hen­sive guide to the best vin­tage fur­ni­ture stores in NYC. Book­mark this page for your next out­ing and hit ’em all.

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