The Best Vintage Furniture Stores in Austin

Collection of vintage furniture from stores in Austin

Everything’s big­ger in Texas. That includes antique and vin­tage stores, too. While some vin­tage stores are quaint, many of the stores in Austin boast thou­sands of square feet with exten­sive inven­to­ries of vin­tage goods to peruse. 

Here at Apt­De­co, we love a good vin­tage fur­ni­ture find. Choos­ing vin­tage is one of the most sus­tain­able ways to fur­nish your home since you’re giv­ing a sec­ond (and per­haps a third or fourth) life to a qual­i­ty piece of fur­ni­ture. Because vin­tage fur­ni­ture is incred­i­bly chic and eas­i­ly fits in with numer­ous styles, you can com­plete­ly trans­form your space with one unique piece. 

Austin has a ton of vin­tage and antique options, with some focus­ing sole­ly on cloth­ing or home goods. How­ev­er, most offer stores a wide vari­ety of vin­tage goods. With such vari­ety, you’re sure to find some­thing you love. 

To help keep you from get­ting over­whelmed, we’ve found the best places to start your hunt for vin­tage fur­ni­ture in Austin.

1. Far Out Home Fittings

1500 W Ben White Blvd, Austin TX

The Low­down: Far Out Home Fit­tings is a funky shop spe­cial­iz­ing in vin­tage fur­ni­ture and home decor. While they have plen­ty of options avail­able for sale on the main floor, they also offer upcy­cling ser­vices. Whether you find a piece on the floor that you want to change or you have a dif­fer­ent piece, Far Out Home Fur­nish­ings is the place to go. 

Price:  $-$$ — Their vin­tage fur­ni­ture is priced to sell, so if you find some­thing you like, be sure to pick it up! Exam­ple pric­ing: $300 for a set of bar stools. 

Best time to go: Wednes­day to Sat­ur­day will give you the most time to browse and shop. 

Rec­om­mend­ed for: Avid col­lec­tors and casu­al shoppers

2. Modern Redux

8120 Research Blvd #108, Austin TX

The Low­down: Mod­ern Redux’s sole focus is to pre­serve, reha­bil­i­tate, and repop­u­lar­ize mid-cen­tu­ry mod­ern designs. The own­ers’ ded­i­ca­tion has made Mod­ern Redux one of the most trust­ed pur­vey­ors of vin­tage fur­ni­ture in Austin. They even work with real­tors and movie set design­ers to help find the per­fect pieces for stag­ing. If you have a high­er bud­get or a spe­cif­ic piece in mind, this is def­i­nite­ly the store to check out. 

Price:   $$$ — Mod­ern Redux is def­i­nite­ly one of the most expen­sive stores on our list that pro­vides qual­i­ty, vin­tage design­er pieces. Exam­ple pric­ing: $4,800 for a Dan­ish rose­wood cock­tail cab­i­net or $985 for a “Z” Lounge Chair in the style of Poul Jensen. 

Best time to go: For the ulti­mate expe­ri­ence, make an appoint­ment dur­ing the week. Keep in mind they are closed on Sundays. 

Rec­om­mend­ed for: Real­tors, design­ers, ‘Mad Men’ lovers, and high-end shoppers

3. Revival Vintage

5201 N Lamar Blvd, Austin, TX

The Low­down: Revival Vin­tage is a high­ly-curat­ed vin­tage mar­ket focused on every­thing from mid-cen­tu­ry to mod­ern trends. There are five dif­fer­ent ven­dors, each with their own cura­tion styles and selec­tions. Their selec­tion and cus­tomer ser­vice real­ly sets them apart from oth­er vin­tage shops in North Loop. 

Price: $$ — You can cer­tain­ly find a steal here on vin­tage fur­ni­ture that is as unique as you are. Some pieces need a bit of TLC and are priced accord­ing­ly. Exam­ple pric­ing: $495 for a Pink 1950s Click Clack Couch or $49 for a tex­ture-cov­ered armchair. 

Best time to go: Week­ends are the busiest, but ven­dors are well-stocked to meet the rush. There’s even a month­ly Sun­day Mar­ket to pro­mote oth­er hand­made and vin­tage sell­ers in the Austin area. 

Rec­om­mend­ed for: Trea­sure hunters, vin­tage enthu­si­asts, and casu­al shoppers

4. AptDeco

Used and vintage furniture for sale in Austin, TX — Only only

The Low­down: Shop for vin­tage gems across the Unit­ed States, all from the com­fort of your home. Hot tip: some of the biggest vin­tage sell­ers also sell on Apt­De­co, mak­ing it a one-stop shop for all your favorite vin­tage stores. Apt­De­co also deliv­ers, mean­ing you don’t have to lug your new bestie all the way from the store.

Some of our favorite Apt­De­co vin­tage sell­ers include Asbury Vin­tage, All Kin­da Fur­ni­ture and Sec­ond­hand Sto­ries. Fil­ter by brand and select ‘vintage/antique’ for the holy grail.

Price: $$—There’s some­thing in every price range, from one-off used fur­ni­ture pieces to din­ing and bed­room sets in pris­tine con­di­tion. Search­ing for a deal? Choose your price range, then fil­ter by ship­ping options and select “free ship­ping” and “50% off ship­ping” to save even more. Exam­ple pric­ing: $300 for a vin­tage armoire.

Rec­om­mend­ed for: Vin­tage lovers, brand-name buy­ers, deal seekers

5. Room Service Vintage

117 E North Loop Blvd, Austin TX

The Low­down: Room Ser­vice Vin­tage is a tru­ly awe­some col­lec­tion of all things vin­tage and retro. With over 3,500 square feet of space, you’ll find a lit­tle bit of every­thing here, includ­ing fur­ni­ture, home decor, cloth­ing, jew­el­ry, shoes, and more. Its con­stant inven­to­ry rota­tion makes it one of the charm­ing anchor shops that give North Loop its rep­u­ta­tion. With sev­en dif­fer­ent ven­dors, you’re sure to find a style that match­es yours. 

Price:   $ — Every­thing is fair­ly priced giv­en the con­di­tion, from jew­el­ry to large fur­ni­ture pieces. Exam­ple pric­ing: $199 for a Thonet-style rock­ing chair. 

Best time to go: Locat­ed in cen­tral Austin, you’ll want to plan your trip ear­ly in the day so you can get out of there before rush hour.

Rec­om­mend­ed for: Casu­al shop­pers, deal seek­ers, and thrifters 

6. Top Drawer Thrift

4902 Burnet Rd, Austin, TX

The Low­down: Shop for vin­tage while sup­port­ing a good cause. Top Draw­er Thrift is part of Project Tran­si­tions, an orga­ni­za­tion that pro­vides hous­ing and hos­pice for peo­ple liv­ing with HIV in Cen­tral Texas. You’ll find var­i­ous items, from ordi­nary to vin­tage, and from small trin­kets to large fur­ni­ture. While the num­ber of choic­es here can be lim­it­ed, you may just find a dia­mond in the rough. 

Price:   $ — All pro­ceeds go toward the work and mis­sion of Project Tran­si­tions. Exam­ple pric­ing: $250 for a 4‑tier vin­tage heavy-duty plant pot­ting rack

Best time to go: The store is only open Tues­day thru Sat­ur­day with lim­it­ed capac­i­ty, so you’ll want to plan an ear­ly shop­ping trip to get in the door. Plan ahead by check­ing out their web­site for their lat­est inventory. 

Rec­om­mend­ed for: LGBTQI+ Allies, Thrifters, and Upcyclers

7. Uptown Modern

5111 Burnet Rd, Austin TX

The Low­down: Uptown Mod­ern has some of the best vin­tage fur­ni­ture in Austin. They find qual­i­ty Dan­ish and Mid-Cen­tu­ry Mod­ern fur­ni­ture and pro­fes­sion­al­ly restore it to near-orig­i­nal qual­i­ty. They car­ry a wide selec­tion of design­er fur­ni­ture pieces, light­ing, and oth­er col­lectible home decor items. Cus­tomers rave about the qual­i­ty of their offer­ings, and it’s not hard to see why. They have some tru­ly remark­able pieces that would look great in any space. 

Price:  $$$ — Prices are on the high­er end, but you’ll get the best bang for your buck in terms of qual­i­ty. Exam­ple pric­ing: $2500 for a pair of black leather high-backed armchairs.

Best time to go: Week­days are less busy, and staff is bet­ter able to help with load­ing, fig­ur­ing out trans­port, etc. 

Rec­om­mend­ed for: Inte­ri­or design­ers, vin­tage afi­ciona­dos, and high rollers 

Honorable Mentions

With so many options avail­able, nar­row­ing down our list of the best places to find vin­tage fur­ni­ture in Austin was hard. If you’ve already checked out the shops on our list, here are some oth­ers that are equal­ly impressive. 

Do you have any oth­er favorite shops for vin­tage fur­ni­ture in Austin? Leave us a comment. 

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