The Best Places to Sell your Furniture Online

Person taking a picture of living room furniture they plan to sell online

When you hear the words “sell­ing fur­ni­ture” we’re will­ing to bet a pleas­ant mem­o­ry does­n’t float into mind. More often than not you end up deal­ing with sit­u­a­tions like hag­gling over the price until you con­cede, drag­ging your fur­ni­ture down a walkup only for some­one to no-show, and the uneasi­ness of hav­ing some­one inspect­ing your things in your home. If you’re read­ing this, we’re also wil­ing to bet that you’re look­ing for a solu­tion to your fur­ni­ture-sell­ing woes. Fear not, we’ve bro­ken down all the infor­ma­tion you need to sell fur­ni­ture online. Read on!

We’re break­ing down all the pros, cons, and nit­ty-grit­ty details of the best online fur­ni­ture mar­ket­places, so you can choose the plat­form that’s best tai­lored to your needs. Before we begin, it’s impor­tant to note that there’s no best place to sell on this list—each ser­vice offers some­thing unique­ly dif­fer­ent, mak­ing “best” rel­a­tive to the user. If it wasn’t, you’d bet­ter believe we’d tell you Apt­De­co is #1 (we’re not not say­ing that though). Fac­tors like if you want to sell quick­ly, how much you want to make, and how much you’d like to be involved in the process are all impor­tant con­sid­er­a­tions and vary from person-to-person.

So with that in mind, let’s dive into the best places to sell fur­ni­ture online. We rec­om­mend using our handy-dandy deci­sion matrix to deter­mine which sites make the most sense for you, then scrolling below to learn more.


AptDeco product page

Apt­De­co makes it insane­ly easy to sell fur­ni­ture online by han­dling every­thing for you. From the start, our free pric­ing tool sug­gests the best sell­ing price for your item, and we curate your list­ing to give it the best shot with buy­ers. Because of this, items usu­al­ly move quick­ly on the site. Once you make the sale, sched­ul­ing is done online and facil­i­tat­ed by us, then our white glove deliv­ery team picks up and dis­as­sem­bles your item at no extra charge. Plus, trans­ac­tions hap­pen entire­ly online (aka no cash + your per­son­al info won’t be shared).

Good for

  • Sell­ing any type of fur­ni­ture, includ­ing brand name and vin­tage furniture
  • Items in good condition+
  • Those who want the full-ser­vice experience—listing cura­tion, pick­up and scheduling
  • Sell­ing quickly
  • Those who want to choose if they’re will­ing to accept offers or not
  • Sell­ers any­where in the Con­tigu­ous U.S. (as of 9/19/22)

Factors to consider

  • Apt­De­co takes a por­tion of the rev­enue after you sell your item (19–38%) in order to pro­vide a full-ser­vice expe­ri­ence. This includes our white glove pick­up and dis­as­sem­bly ser­vice, list­ing cura­tion, adver­tis­ing your item, cus­tomer expe­ri­ence, and medi­at­ing returns.


Chairish product page

Chairish is anoth­er full-scale online mar­ket­place, but they spe­cial­ize in high-end and unique finds that tend to cost more than your aver­age piece of fur­ni­ture. Just like Apt­De­co, they cre­ate a seam­less sell­ing expe­ri­ence from list­ing to payment.

Good for

  • Sell­ing high-end or design­er furniture
  • Items in good-to-excel­lent condition
  • Those who want the full-ser­vice experience
  • Pro­fes­sion­al fur­ni­ture consignors

Factors to consider

  • Poten­tial­ly slow­er selling—higher price tags = more thought­ful buyers
  • Chairish takes up to 30% of the sell­ing price to account for their full-ser­vice model

Apartment Therapy’s Bazaar

Apartment Therapy Bazaar product page

Apart­ment Therapy’s Bazaar is anoth­er self-ser­vice mar­ket­place that spe­cial­izes in fur­ni­ture and decor, but has a few addi­tion­al fea­tures like fil­ter­ing by free deliv­ery and secure payments.

Good for

  • Sell­ing fur­ni­ture of any brand, type or condition
  • Those look­ing for low sell­ing fees (they hov­er around 6%)
  • Secure, online transactions

Factors to consider

  • Lim­it­ed benefits—there is no built-in pick­up option, list­ing cura­tion, or online scheduling


OfferUp product page

Offer­Up is a self-ser­vice mar­ket­place where you can local­ly buy and sell just about any­thing. There’s no cura­tion and the web­site is pret­ty basic, but it’s a great place to get the job done.

Good for

  • Sell­ing fur­ni­ture of any brand, type or condition
  • Avoid­ing sell­ing fees
  • Sell­ing any­thing under the sun

Factors to consider

  • No added benefits—all pick­ups and trans­ac­tions must be arranged between the buy­er and seller
  • No set prices—a sell­er can set their sug­gest­ed price, but buy­ers then have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to make offers, mean­ing you might receive less than the ask­ing price.

Facebook Marketplace

Face­book Mar­ket­place—like Craigslist, but with con­firmed pro­files that make it a lit­tle more legit. They’ve also been step­ping things up late­ly with new ship­ping and fil­ter­ing options.

Good for

  • Sell­ing fur­ni­ture of any brand, type or condition
  • Sell­ing quickly
  • Avoid­ing sell­ing fees

Factors to consider

  • Lim­it­ed added benefits—delivery has recent­ly become avail­able for some purchases
  • Lim­it­ed secu­ri­ty or sat­is­fac­tion guarantees—a strong Face­book pro­file usu­al­ly means a safe trans­ac­tion, but noth­ing is guaranteed
  • High vol­ume of inquiries with low follow-through
  • Price hag­gling
  • In order to sell you have to down­load the app


Craigslist listing page

Good ‘ole Craigslist. The OG of buy­ing and sell­ing used items. It’s the clas­sic no-frills online mar­ket­place and needs no intro­duc­tion. If you’re look­ing to move things quick­ly, have items that aren’t exact­ly in mint con­di­tion, or are will­ing to go low on price then Craigslist might be your spot.

Good for

  • Sell­ing fur­ni­ture of any brand, type or condition
  • Sell­ing quickly
  • Avoid­ing sell­ing fees

Factors to consider

  • No added ben­e­fits, like pick­up or list­ing curation
  • No secu­ri­ty or sat­is­fac­tion guarantee
  • High vol­ume of inquiries with low follow-through
  • Only avail­able locally
  • Price hag­gling
  • Poten­tial­ly unsafe pickup/delivery situations
  • List­ings can eas­i­ly get lost in the shuffle

Honorable Mentions

Sothe­by’s—a great option if you’re look­ing to sell high-val­ue items, such as art or antiques. If you have an item that meets their cri­te­ria and min­i­mum con­sign­ment val­ue (read: $$$), you’ll have the option to sell your item via auc­tion, pri­vate sale or on their online marketplace. 

1st Dibs—anoth­er excel­lent choice for valu­able objects. 1st Dibs prides itself on its high­ly curat­ed selec­tion and top-notch expe­ri­ence. That being said, only pres­ti­gious sell­ers and gal­leries are allowed to sell on the plat­form, so unless you’re a seri­ous col­lec­tor this might not be the place for you.

Remoov—this ser­vice is unique from the oth­ers in that it cen­ters around help­ing you get rid of unwant­ed fur­ni­ture; sell­ing is sec­ondary. You pay a fee to have their team remove as much fur­ni­ture from your home as need­ed and assess whether the fur­ni­ture can be sold, donat­ed or dis­card­ed. Upon pick­up, any fur­ni­ture that is deemed sell­able will be sold in their show­room and on fur­ni­ture mar­ket­places (Apt­De­co, hi!). Once it sells you’ll receive 50% of the sale. While it’s not exact­ly a mar­ket­place, Remoov is a great option if you’re mov­ing and just need to get rid of fur­ni­ture quickly.

Final thoughts

You can see how each of these options is unique, so find­ing the right one for you is cru­cial when decid­ing where to sell fur­ni­ture online. It’s impor­tant to weigh all the fac­tors first, as they can make or break your sell­ing expe­ri­ence. Good thing you’re now equipped with every­thing you need to make a great deci­sion! Next up, learn the best tips for sell­ing your fur­ni­ture online.

Let us know which direc­tion you end up going in in the com­ments. Hap­py selling!

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