AptStories Home Tours | West Village, NYC

Kristen's railroad-style bedroom during the AptStories home tour

Introducing AptStories Home Tours!

Our new home tours series gives you a peek into the homes of real peo­ple, and the cre­ative, styl­ish and attain­able ways they dec­o­rate using Apt­De­co finds. In a sea of swanky celebri­ty home tours (which, love), we sought out to high­light the awe­some homes real peo­ple live in. Just as inter­est­ing, nev­er before seen, and full of style tips you can actu­al­ly apply to your life.

Our first stop: the West Village. 

Meet Kris­ten! 💁‍♀️ She’s lived in NYC for 9 years, works in archi­tec­ture, and is a new mom! She enjoys col­lect­ing all things vin­tage and unique. Kris­ten gave us a peek into her rail­road-style West Vil­lage apart­ment, and it’s safe to say we’re obsessed with her eclec­tic style. Check it out for your­self and let us know your thoughts in the comments.

Kristen's home tour — living room with vintage decor

One of the first stops on Kris­ten’s home tour — the liv­ing room. Kris­ten mix­es top brands (like this Restora­tion Hard­ware couch) with vin­tage and unique finds (like the art­work and ani­mal skull.)

Kristen's home tour — bedroom

We’re not going to lie, this is a huge bed­room for NYC stan­dards, and we’re envi­ous. In this apart­ment, the bed­room is what divides the liv­ing room and dining/kitchen area, typ­i­cal for a clas­sic ‘rail­road style’ apartment. 

Kristen's home tour — office and dining room

Kris­ten filled us in that this room used to be a din­ing area where her and her hus­band would host din­ner par­ties. Dur­ing Covid times, they need­ed a place to work from home, so the din­ing room became a mul­ti-func­tion space for work­ing, din­ing and relaxing. 

One of our favorite parts of this space are the win­dows, which are backed by a wrought-iron gar­den trel­lis and bring in gor­geous morn­ing light that cre­ates the per­fect space for enjoy­ing morn­ing coffee.

We’re look­ing for the next home to show­case! Want to be fea­tured? Get in touch at marketing@aptdeco.com

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