AptStories Home Tours | Downtown Brooklyn

Full living room with black couch, wood floors, tv, industrial windows in studio apartment during AptStories home tour

We paid a vis­it to Charles and his sweet Shi­ba Inu pup at their place in Down­town Brooklyn—just a short dri­ve away from Apt­De­co HQ! We love a Brook­lyn apart­ment tour. Watch how Charles trans­formed his stu­dio apart­ment into a func­tion­al live/work space by visu­al­ly sec­tion­ing out the loft into four dis­tinct rooms. 

Charles’ decor style reflects his pro­cliv­i­ty for indus­tri­al fin­ish­es, min­i­mal­ist sil­hou­ettes and func­tion­al pieces; the per­fect mix for an open plan space with indus­tri­al bones (peep the steel front door!).

Watch for: Charles’ vin­tage cof­fee table. It’s well-made with faint signs of a pre­vi­ous life, and the show­stop­per of the liv­ing room.

Styling tips from Charles

  • Func­tion over fash­ion! You’ll nev­er regret buy­ing a piece that’s use­ful and fits the room like a glove
  • Focus on tying your col­or scheme through­out the space. In Charles’ case, black and medi­um-brown tones helped bring out the indus­tri­al feel­ing in his studio.
minimalist living room with black simple couch and wooden coffee table, visited during our home tour

Min­i­mal­ist? Check. Cozy? Also check. Charles does a great job of mix­ing sim­ple pieces with warm tones to bring char­ac­ter to his min­i­mal­ly-dec­o­rat­ed liv­ing room.

Vintage wooden coffee table with coffee table book featured during AptStories tour

The afore­men­tioned cof­fee table we stan. It’s sim­ple yet intrigu­ing in a way you can’t put your fin­ger on. The light wear on the edges of the table brings out that vin­tage, worn-in charm.

Wooden dresser with plants and candles on top, featured during home tour

Charles’ dress­er from West Elm helps weave the medi­um-brown wood trend found through­out the apartment.

Full living room with black couch, wood floors, tv, industrial windows in studio apartment during AptStories home tour

This liv­ing room angle gives you a good look at the indus­tri­al loft ele­ments that make this stu­dio unique. 

Fun fact: the build­ing Charles’ lives in used to be a toy factory!

Open plan kitchen with light wood cabinets and hightop white dining table

A peek at the kitchen reveals a high­top din­ing set­up and mul­ti-pur­pose cof­fee bar to the right of the fridge.

Charles' Shiba Inu standing on his bed saying hello!

Could­n’t for­get the star of the show! Spe­cial thanks to Charles’ dog for being a great host.

That con­cludes this Brook­lyn apart­ment tour! Have you seen our oth­er Apt­Sto­ries fea­tures? Find them here.

We’re look­ing for the next home to show­case in Apt­Sto­ries home tours! Want to be fea­tured? Get in touch at marketing@aptdeco.com

Apt­Sto­ries par­tic­i­pants are gift­ed Apt­De­co cred­it in exchange for their par­tic­i­pa­tion in the series. 

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