The story behind AptDecoKids—a letter from our Founder

I always joke that Apt­De­co was my first baby, and three years ago, my hus­band and I were blessed with our second—our (actu­al) son, Laith. While launch­ing a kids’ brand with­in Apt­De­co was always a con­sid­er­a­tion, the project gained momen­tum after I and oth­er team mem­bers start­ed fam­i­lies. We expe­ri­enced first­hand the joy of receiv­ing and pass­ing down clothes, toys, and fur­ni­ture as our chil­dren grew.

As par­ents, we know there’s a nat­ur­al cycle of acquir­ing items for each stage of growth, but even­tu­al­ly, our chil­dren out­grow them. Cher­ished items like that first out­fit or beloved crib hold deep mem­o­ries. It often feels wrong to throw them away, so the urge to pass them on is strong. The kids’ fur­ni­ture that served us well still has life left, and we want oth­er fam­i­lies to expe­ri­ence the same joy. Shar­ing these items feels both prac­ti­cal and sen­ti­men­tal. This instinct to share isn’t just emotional—it’s sus­tain­able. Pass­ing down children’s belong­ings keeps them use­ful and reduces waste.

While the logis­tics of pass­ing along clothes and toys is sim­ple, fur­ni­ture is hard­er and more time con­sum­ing to move, espe­cial­ly for busy par­ents. Often, these fur­ni­ture pieces get dis­card­ed, cre­at­ing unnec­es­sary waste. We real­ized we could make this process easier.

Par­ents have been buy­ing and sell­ing baby, kids, and teen fur­ni­ture on Apt­De­co for years. Brands like Oeuf, Babylet­to, Pot­tery Barn Kids, and Stokke are very pop­u­lar. How­ev­er, we noticed that kids’ items were hard to find since they were list­ed along­side tra­di­tion­al fur­ni­ture. After hear­ing feed­back from cus­tomers and expe­ri­enc­ing it our­selves, we knew kids’ fur­ni­ture need­ed its own ded­i­cat­ed space on AptDeco.

We’re thrilled to launch Apt­De­coKids—a place where fam­i­lies can find and share beau­ti­ful yet prac­ti­cal items for their chil­dren, all while sav­ing mon­ey and help­ing the environment!

Reham Fagiri

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